Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ADEQ Arizona De Minimis Discharge General Permit

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has issued its revised a general permit for discharge of low volume, relatively pollutant-free water, known as De Minimis discharges, to surface water under the Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) program.

The De Minimis discharges covered under the permit must meet applicable surface water quality standards, are generally infrequent and must be managed to protect water quality and the environment. Examples include discharges from maintenance of potable water systems, well development and testing, street washing, and the drainage of dechlorinated water from swimming pools.

Under state and federal law, most discharges to waters of the U.S. on non-tribal lands in
Arizona must have coverage under an AZPDES permit. Using the De Minimis general permit, applicants significantly shorten the time necessary to obtain permit coverage. The permitting process also increases efficiency and consistency for ADEQ’s regulatory role. The revised general permit contains amendments based on stakeholder comments and public meetings.

Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients nationwide to address water quality standards, wastewater permitting and assessing potential impacts of chemicals in the aquatic environment.

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