The Iowa Environmental Protection Commission has approved a Notice of Intended Action for IAC567-Chapter 69, “
Private Sewage Disposal Systems” and IAC567-Chapter 68, “
Commercial Septic Tank Cleaners”. The proposed changes to Chapter 68 are response to the passage of Senate File 321 (2011) which amended Iowa Code 455B.172 to include language relating to the disposal of wastewater from on-farm food processing facilities. The changes to Chapter 69 result in part from the passage of House File 2437 (2010). This bill modified Iowa Code 455B.172 (11) to simplify and provide clarity to the time of transfer septic system inspection requirements. Other minor changes are also proposed including renewal of the NPDES General Permit #4 for legally discharging private sewage systems.
Written suggestions or comments on the proposed amendments are being accepted through May 1, 2012. Public hearings will be held at the several locations in Iowa on April 12-19.
Caltha LLP provides expert consulting services to public and private sector clients nationwide to address water quality standards, wastewater permitting and assessing potential impacts of chemicals in the aquatic environment.
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