Thursday, April 7, 2011

EPA Harmonization and Derivation of Aquatic Life Screening Values For Pesticides

OW – OPP Harmonization and Derivation of Aquatic Life Screening Values For Pesticides: Growers’ Perspectives

CropLife America and RISE 2011 Science and Regulatory Spring Conference, April 7, 2011

Abstract: Paper discuses some of the keys differences between OPP and OW data use and the OPP-OW Harmonization for aquatic life benchmark calculation methodologies. Discussion includes use of water quality benchmarks in Minnesota under the Minnesota Pesticide Management Plan.

Seven areas of concern are discussed, including:

  1. Using Screening Methods To Set Legally Enforceable Water Quality Standards

  2. Data Acceptability Requirements Between OPP and OW Are Not Adequately Addressed

  3. Key Issues Regarding Use of Plant Data Are Not Adequately Addressed

  4. Stated Criteria For Evaluation of Methodologies Are Inconsistent

  5. Implementation and Uses of Methodologies Under FIFRA - CWA Inadequately Addressed

  6. Use of Predicted or Estimated Values

  7. Use of Unqualified Data and Requirement For Minimum Data Set

Results are compared to water quality data for Acetochlor in Minnesota from 2004 to 2009.

Click below to review presentation slides:

OW – OPP Harmonization and Derivation of Aquatic Life Screening Values: Growers’ Perspectives

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